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Letters: Gilbert Road construction disrupts neighbourhood

A Richmond News reader is concerned about safety as Metro Vancouver replaces a sewer line.
Sewer line work at the intersection of Steveston Highway and Gilbert Road.

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concerns about the ongoing sewer projects on Gilbert Road. As a resident of this area, I have observed several significant issues that are affecting our community.

Firstly, the construction activities are causing noticeable shaking in our homes. This constant vibration is not only disruptive but also raises concerns about potential damage to our properties.

Secondly, the construction vehicles are frequently parked in front of houses, leaving no space for residents to park. This is particularly problematic for those of us who rely on street parking and now find ourselves without any available spots.

Additionally, the construction crew often starts working before the stated start time of 7 a.m. and continues past the stated end time of 6 p.m. This extension of work hours adds to the disruption and inconvenience faced by residents. It is frustrating to see that the commitments made in the project's door slip to "reduce impacts to residents wherever possible" are not being upheld.

Furthermore, the noise from the construction has been distressing for many pets in the neighbourhood. I have seen dogs get frightened and disrupted by the constant loud sounds, which is another example of the lack of consideration for residents.

Moreover, the workers are parking in spots that pose a danger to the community, such as at corners where bushes block the view of their cars. This creates hazardous conditions for drivers and pedestrians alike.

These issues are not just minor inconveniences; they significantly impact our daily lives and well-being. I urge the responsible authorities to take immediate action to address these problems. Specifically, I request stricter adherence to the designated work hours, better management of construction vehicle parking, and a genuine effort to minimize the shaking, noise, and other disruptions caused by the project.

The Gilbert Road sewer projects are essential, but it is crucial that they are carried out in a manner that respects the residents and minimizes the negative impacts on our community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

D. Fairfax


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