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Letters: Lord Stanley must be rolling in his grave

A letter writer is disgusted by how the Florida Panthers are treating a 'piece of Canadian history'
A letter writer is 'disgusted' with how the Panthers are treating the Stanley Cup.

Dear Editor,

I am totally disgusted, the way the Florida Panthers are handling the Stanley Cup!

The silver cup is a piece of Canadian history, not some Pyrex or Rubbermaid bowl, and should not be tossed into the ocean, nor eaten out of.

We, as Canadians, should be angry about the fact that the Americans are merely treating it as a trophy only, and not giving it any respect.

God knows what else is going to happen to it, as the rest of the team parades it around.

Lord Stanley must be rolling over in his grave at what has become of the cup that he donated to the people of Canada and the Canadian sport they loved.

Gordon Kibble


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