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Letters: New zoning in Richmond could affect property values

A Richmond News reader thinks all levels of government lack a long-term vision for development.
Homes under construction on Bridgeport Road in north Richmond.

Dear Editor,

Re: "25,000 Richmond residential properties to be pre-zoned for densification"

I understand that the provincial government has taken upon itself to interfere in the jurisdiction of the municipalities to speed up the rezoning process. 

I am sure there must have been other ways to force the municipalities to stop dragging their feet on such processes and get on with the work.

My concern is how are these changes going to impact the values of the affected properties and where can one find a map locating the affected real estate slated for high density rezoning.

The sad part is that our municipal, provincial and federal governments never had long-term vision for future development.

All we are doing now is play catch-up game, and even that is not done efficiently.

Sorry state of affairs, but reality of our times!

Nassir Karmali


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