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Letters: No drug consumption sites in Richmond

A Richmond News reader disagrees with city councillors who voted in favour of exploring a safe drug consumption site in the city.
Sheldon Starrett spoke to media about his opposition to a proposed safe-consumption site in Richmond.

Dear Editor,

Re: "Richmond council votes 8-1 to explore safe drug consumption site"

If the eight Richmond city councillors initiate and support the “drug consumption site” in Richmond, Richmondites should vote them out.

The only way to stop casualties from drug addiction is to have them cured and healed in a safe environment, not to give them drugs. Drugs are poison and drug addicts are killed undoubtedly.

Before going further, these eight councillors should take care of the drug addicts by offering “safe drugs" at their private residences.

No drug consumption sites in Richmond!

Kam Lau


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