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Letters: Put the homeless, hospital ahead of lawn bowling clubhouse

A Richmond News reader takes aim at the city putting $5.3 million towards a new lawn bowling clubhouse
Lawn bowling clubhouse richmond
Richmond Bowling Club members celebrated two years ago when the city agreed to build a new clubhouse.

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank Karina Reid for her letter to the editor last December pointing out that in these difficult times, in the midst of the pandemic, our city councillors decided lawn bowlers needed a new clubhouse.

Of course, while some of us worry about affordable housing and overcrowded hospitals, city councillors are putting at least $5.3 million toward a new lawn bowling club.

I say “at least” because construction costs always seem to go up. Lawn bowlers pull up in their BMWs on the weekend (not recently though). They trot around for a few hours then make their way back to their homes, while not far away a young man sleeps on a bench huddled in his sleeping  bag.

I’m not against socializing while throwing little balls around, but can’t they go to a golf course?

City council says it will be multi-purpose. Maybe at midnight, it magically converts into an ICU? 

The good news, we live in a democracy. Our voices are supposed to matter.

If you find this use of limited resources insulting to essential workers and people who don’t have the time to bowl on the weekend, please let the city know. A byelection is coming up.

One last thing, how many mature trees will be cut down so the bowlers can have more lockers?

Seriously, in another time this would be funny but now it’s not.

Lexy Clayburn