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Letters: Richmond councillor calls for ethics before politics

Richmond city councillor says ethics can be a ‘compass’ to navigate conflict.
Kash Heed is a Richmond city councillor.

Dear Editor,

There’s nothing sensual about the concept of ethical decision-making, but the interplay between ethics and politics in government is complex and frequently fraught with tension, as evidenced by recent events in Richmond.

I take the view that ethics should be prioritized over political considerations, both locally and abroad, for several compelling reasons.

First and foremost, ethical governance fosters public trust.

When citizens perceive that their politicians are prioritizing the welfare of the community rather than pursuing personal or political agendas, they are more inclined to connect with government and support initiatives.

Moreover, ethical decision-making tends to yield more defensible policies.

While short-term political advantages can lead to detrimental choices in the long run, adhering to ethical principles encourages a focus on sustainable benefits for future generations.

Elected officials and public servants bear a moral duty to act in ways that enhance the common good.

Ethics provides a framework for assessing the implications of policies and actions, ensuring they resonate with community values and goals.

Ethical behaviour serves as a compass to navigate conflict and make challenging decisions.

It steers us through complex issues by emphasizing principles like justice, fairness and responsibility, rather than mere political calculations.

An ethical governance approach can also help bridge societal divides.

By emphasizing values that appeal to various groups, ethical leadership fosters unity and collaboration, both of which are vital for a thriving society and the survival of democracy.

When ethics take priority, politicians are reminded of their responsibilities as public servants.

This alignment encourages a focus on community needs over political aspirations, resulting in more responsible governance.

This focus can lead to just, equitable and impactful policies that cater to the diverse needs of the population.

While politics often entails negotiation, compromise and power plays, ethics offers a foundational framework to steer political actions toward justice, accountability and the collective good. 

Encouraging ethical standards minimizes the chances for unethical conduct, contributing to a government that is more accountable and transparent.

Elevating ethics above politics in Richmond can pave the way for healthier governance and a more effective city council.

Coun. Kash Heed


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