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Letters: Richmond homeowners should be allowed to park in front of their homes

Letter writer said he'd call bylaws, too, if someone parked longer than 72 hours in a residential area.
A letter writer thinks drivers shouldn't park in front of other people's houses for long periods.

Dear Editor,

Re: "Letters: Do I have to move my car every 72 hours to avoid a parking ticket?" Dec. 17

I am totally for the ticket if you are parked in front of someone's house more than 72 hours at a time.

Think of the house owner, he probably wants to park there, too, but you keep taking their spot and actually moved the cone to park in his spot.

Find a spot in front of your house to park for an extended amount of time! It's only fair.

Seventy-two hours is more than three days parked in front of someone else's property. A few hours is fine, but more than three days is not.

I'd call the bylaws, too!

Noh Wei


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