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Letters: Richmond mayor works hard, says reader

A letter writer is wondering if Coun. Kash Heed would waive extra pay if he were elected mayor.
A letter writer defends Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie's salary including what he receives on regional boards.

Dear Editor,

Re: "Richmond councillor wants elected municipal officials' salaries consolidated"

With all the discussion lately coming from Daniel Fontaine, New Westminster city councillor, who started this quest to make the salary of local politicians public and with Richmond Coun. Kash Heed jumping onto the bandwagon, I can only suspect that he will be making a run at Richmond Mayor Malcom Brodie's position come next election.

Heed seems to be a bit disgruntled at the mayor's salary, saying that it is excessive even though Brodie works tirelessly for his constituents and the Lower Mainland and serves on many boards.

And compensation for his participation on these fronts is, in my opinion, not nearly enough.

If Heed is in fact going to run for the mayor of Richmond, I imagine that he will expect to take a pay reduction and waive all remuneration for serving on these boards.

Thus, instead of a combined salary of $322,000 yearly, he will accept $200,000, a reduction for sitting on these boards of $122,000.

I feel Mayor Malcolm Brodie does a great job and serves his constituents well.

Brian Barnes


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