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Letters: Steveston laneway parking fee is a 'tax grab'

A Richmond News reader notes residential parking in Vancouver is $40/year while Richmond will charge employees $700/year.
The city will charge $57/month for employees to park in Steveston alleys.

Open letter to Mayor and Council:

Re: "Laneway parking coming for employees in Steveston"

I wish to voice my total opposition and disappointment in the mayor and council in passing a recent bylaw, which allows employees in Steveston to park in the lanes for $57 per month. 

This bylaw is outrageous. Think about it.

Most of the employees in Richmond are working at minimum wages and to enforce them to pay the city an additional $700 annually for a right to park in the lane is a tax grab, taking it from employees who can least afford it.

In Vancouver, where I reside, are residential parking permits in parts of the city. The annual residential parking permit is $40 per year, not the $700 that you and the council have passed.

Give your head a shake and think about the welfare of the dedicated employees in Steveston who live on minimum wage, faced with the additional increased burden to find parking at $700 per year. 

Shame on you and the rest of council who passed this motion. This bylaw should be rescinded immediately. 

Frank Nakashima

President, Pacific Net & Twine Ltd.

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