The Editor,
Re: "Dix's winners are losers," Letters, Jan. 30.
Since Linda Cooper appears to be playing the "I remember" song regarding Adrian Dix, my "I remember" song would go something like this.
I remember when Christy Clark was deputy premier under Gordon Campbell, she tore up the teachers' union contract in the early 1990s.
I remember Gord Campbell promising not to sell BC Rail, yet Clark and her former husband were involved in that broken promise.
I remember the Liberals promising that there would not be any HST and I remember Clark's vacillation regarding how to deal with said HST controversy; the rest is history.
There are too many lies and there is too much unsa-vory history that have been told by Clark's "fiberals" for me to swallow.
I've always voted Liberal, but with this vacuous leader, they won't get my vote back.
Egon S. Frank Richmond