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Make a difference this season

The Editor, Usually at this time of the year I wonder what I can do to help others to show my gratitude for having such an amazing life.

The Editor, Usually at this time of the year I wonder what I can do to help others to show my gratitude for having such an amazing life.

When pondering what it means "to make a difference," we often find the concept hard to fit within the confines of our hiper busy schedules.

In theory, it sounds good and worthwhile, but it is difficult to put into practice. However, making a difference happens all the time and we all do it.

For the past 12 years, my husband and I have volunteered with Operation Red Nose, not only in the organizing of the program but in driving and dispatch. We have met wonderful people, had lots of fun and are happy to help the community.

I was looking at our stats for the last 11 seasons of Operation Red Nose. This is a safe driving program our club has been offering in our community of Delta and Richmond over nine nights during the holiday season.

Since 2002, we have provided almost 4,700 rides to people and their vehicles. With an average of three people per vehicle, this equates to about 14,000 people benefiting from the program.

It's not only those who we safely drive to their destination that we directly affect, but it is all those clueless drivers on the road that could by chance be in front, behind or across from an unsafe driver or maybe even an innocent bystander or a person crossing the road. The ripple of all those who benefit from the program is too large to measure and capture in a simple statistic.

So, what does it take to make a difference? Offering one night to drive home someone who is enjoying their Christmas party, their night at the pub or at a family gathering.

Yes, you might be a bit tired the following morning (the shift is 9 p.m.-3 a.m.) but that night possibly will mean a world of difference to anyone who shared the road that evening.

If you are curious about getting involved with this program, please see the details at The nights are Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 and New Year's Eve. In fact come on New Year's Eve for a great dinner, good friendships and a night of driving - the best party in town!!

Carlene Lewall

Operation Red Nose volunteer