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More traffic action needed

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Tragic weekend on Richmond roads," News, Nov. 27.I feel for the families of the latest tragedies on Richmond roads.What we don't seem to face up to is the fact that our roads seem to set their own speed limits.
Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Tragic weekend on Richmond roads," News, Nov. 27.I feel for the families of the latest tragedies on Richmond roads.What we don't seem to face up to is the fact that our roads seem to set their own speed limits. Steveston Highway is a free for all, with the norm being 70 kilometres per hour and not the posted 50 kilometres per hour. The secondary routes such as Francis Road, Williams Road and Blundell are no better with speeds far exceeding posted maximums. Pedestrians are no better, as they are consumed by what's on their phones or iPods, and don't even give a second look to the oncoming traffic.What is needed is a comprehensive traffic plan in which our local RCMP target speeders, inattentive pedestrians and other traffic violators on a full time basis. A couple of traffic blitzes a year or the occasional fly the flag traffic stop just doesn't cut it anymore.How many more people have to die in Richmond before we, as a city, stand up and say enough is enough?David NeilRichmond