The Editor,
Re: "Developers control city hall decisions - again," Letters, July 11.
As the developer constructing the project at the south foot of No. 2 Road, I would like to respond to the comments by Mr.
Turner in his letter to the editor. Mr. Turner suggests that No. 2 Road should be extended to the south and then turn to the east to connect with Dyke Road, eliminating two right angle turns and two stop signs, along with a "dog leg" bend in Dyke Road.
First, the extension would eliminate the opportunity to create the beautiful waterfront park that we will be constructing as part of the development, at our expense.
The park will include play opportunities for children, gathering space for the neighbourhood and revitalization of the historic boat ways. Given the choice between asphalt and park, I think most people will choose the park.
Secondly, those of us who live in the area appreciate the slow traffic speed and lack of heavy truck traffic that the current two right angle turns and two stop signs create. I would not trade ease of access to Dyke Road for more, faster moving traffic. The existing configuration works very well for our community.
Thirdly, the dog leg in Dyke Road will be eliminated by the construction of a new road, installation of box culverts in the ditch on the east side of Dyke and new sidewalks, street lighting and decorative finishes to the area. All this work will be paid for by the development.
Finally, Mr. Turner suggests this is a case of a developer being in the pockets of city hall. I would suggest that, given Oris is required to build a new road, a new dyke, a new park, relocate the existing bike park and pay the city over $4.3 million for a portion of the site, it is not the developer that is in anyone's pocket.
It is unfortunate Mr. Turner has taken such a negative attitude to such a positive project. This development will make a major contribution to the completion of the London's Landing neighbourhood.
Along with 78 new homes, there will be an additional 14,000 square feet of commercial space to provide more retail opportunities. This project will be the finishing touch to the complete community we have come to enjoy in the London's Landing neighbourhood.
Dana Westermark President, Oris Development Corp.