The Editor,
Re: "Exhibit - Nice idea only," Letters, Dec. 5.
I am proud to say that my children attend a faith-based school on No. 5 Road.
By choosing to immerse them in their culture and religion, they are becoming confident young adults who will be great leaders.
By having a strong foundation in their religious beliefs with strong values related to their culture, how can they not?
By being knowledgeable in one's own religion and culture we create individuals who are more tolerant of people from other cultures and religions because they have an understanding of their own.
As Richmond is a multicultural society, my children play with the neighbourhood kids, participate in swim and soccer lessons with other children whose skin colour goes from black to white and every hue in between.
I get the privilege of hearing my children explain their customs to other children with full confidence.
I see the same children who do not see, nor do they care about skin colour, different head coverings or religion.
I see the same children that want to be proud of their heritage, culture and religion.
Faith-based schools and organizations that are involved in the larger Richmond community enrich us all by providing what public institutions cannot - a real forum for understanding different cultures and faith traditions.
Our school welcomes opportunities to participate with other faith-based and secular groups, and only enriches our community.
I strongly encourage all of Richmond to visit some of these faith-based institutions on your own or as part of "Open Doors Richmond" each year in May, so you may open your eyes to new viewpoints, and be able to truly embrace a multicultural and multi-faceted community where parents and families have choices about where to send their children, how to practice their faith, and how to involve ourselves in our larger communities.
Stacey Friedman Richmond