Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Liberated Liberals," Editorial, Feb. 7. In the above referenced editorial you wrote, "Trudeau has done more to reform the senate than Harper has done in almost eight years as Prime Minister.
Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Liberated Liberals," Editorial, Feb. 7. In the above referenced editorial you wrote, "Trudeau has done more to reform the senate than Harper has done in almost eight years as Prime Minister."I am not certain that Trudeau has done anything to reform the senate; his presumptuous action cannot be seen as a reform, rather it smacks as an ill-considered political gesture to garner media coverage now that the aping media has seen through Trudeau's sham and stopped admiring his hair style.It is evident from your editorial that you know little (perhaps nothing) about the purpose of the Senate and how its members function on a day to day basis; and please do not trot out senators who have sunk to the bottom of the barrel through this mischief - they are the exception and not the rule.A check of the Senate and its purpose and members will reveal rather quickly that, of the 105 members, most are hard at work carrying out their duties as they sit on committees - some several committees simultaneously - caring for Canada and its citizens.Examples include: Committees on off-label drug uses; strengthening off-reserve First Nations; employment equity in the public service and internal economy and budgets.Those committees address topics of concern to Canadians and ought not to be dismissed out of hand simply because a selfcentred, egotistical socialist politician uses a back-door scheme to "reform" the Senate.I expect better from the organ that Bill Lam began a couple of decades ago and struggled to survive.Bob OrrickRichmond