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Paralympian passes the torch

Mission, B.C. - The Editor: Re: "Paralympic medalist inspires young Muslims," News, Oct 4. Thank you for your excellent article by Phillip Raphael on Paralympian Walter Wu. I had the pleasure of meeting Walter a few years back, as well as his father.
Mission, B.C. - The Editor: Re: "Paralympic medalist inspires young Muslims," News, Oct 4. Thank you for your excellent article by Phillip Raphael on Paralympian Walter Wu. I had the pleasure of meeting Walter a few years back, as well as his father.One thing that was not mentioned in the article is the fact that families like Wu's faced some extraordinary costs for schooling while training for the extra time needed to compete at the elite levels. Because of this, Wu's father, Santos, started a permanent endowment fund at the Richmond Community Foundation that invites people to support future athletes in the Richmond area by providing funds to families that need an extra hand in obtaining books, tuition and educational needs, while training for the Olympics, Special Olympics or other elite events.Wu and his family have put in place this permanent endowment from which the interest each year is available for this purpose. For more information, please contact the Richmond Community Foundation on the criteria to apply for funding support. Wu and his father have said many times, education is very important in the future plans for all young people as they train to compete.Jim WatsonMission, B.C.