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Politicians serve their masters

The Editor, Re: Cedar tree poaching becomes metaphorical, Why the urgency around LDB change? Opinion, Claxton hits nail on head Letters, May 23. Thanks for printing the above editorial, column and letter.

The Editor,

Re: Cedar tree poaching becomes metaphorical, Why the urgency around LDB change? Opinion, Claxton hits nail on head Letters, May 23.

Thanks for printing the above editorial, column and letter. Interestingly, they all have a common theme: corporate democracy. And as long as we play the blame game, nothing can or will change, except for the worse.

We cant fix a broken system with a broken system. Weve tried: the Single Transferable Vote initiative (B.C.), the fish farm hearings (Canada) or the dogs in parks debacle (Richmond) or any number of other failed attempts at democracy.

So, dont blame Christy Clark for jettisoning the environment. Remember whose campaign funding got the conservatives-in-liberal clothing elected. She has to serve her masters. Follow the money. Whatever the sport, the name of the game is power.

Dont blame the provincial government for privatizing Liquor Distribution Branch (LDC). Expect them to privatize anything with a profitable pulse for their corporate puppet masters benefit. It is what they have been doing since they were first elected. Premier Gordon Campbell was awarded the Order of Canada for doing his job well. Je me souviens.

Dont blame Stephen Harper when he cancels the two billion dollar long gun registry, pours billions of dollars into weapons of war, or if he privatizes our public health care system, our prisons, or our national parks for the same reason. He is just doing his (real) job. He will succeed where Brian Mulroney and Tom Siddon failed. Je me souviens.

Dont blame the mayor and administration of Richmond for overdeveloping the worlds most fertile farmland. Same thing. They are just rolling with the smart money. Remember, dear readers, that the house you bought-way-back-when for $100,000 and are now selling for a million was built on stolen land. The British Empire didnt ask the Musqueam or any First Nations for their informed consent. How do you think they feel about singing our nation anthem: O Canada, our home and native land? I can tell you. They are justifiably pissed off.

The editor put her finger right on the pulse. One day we will wake up to find we have lost a great deal more than a tree. I wish I had her faith about waking up, I mean. Even David Suzuki said Who am I to tell my child there is no hope?

We knew 50 years ago that human population growth was the biggest threat to our species survival. Our population has more than doubled since then and how many are mindful of the approaching apocalypse?

I am because right now I am watching the demolition of the neighbours beautiful home and lovely bonsai garden, where her family has lived since they returned from exile in Canadian concentration camps during WW II. The evidence of their lives is being trucked out fill Burns Bog, often described as one of the Worlds most significant storage systems. Are we awake yet? Moi, je pense que non.

Nelson Mandela said, Dont blame the people, blame the system. I simply cannot imagine how he can live with what is happening to the beautiful country he sacrificed most of his life for! I say, dont even blame the system. As soon as you play the blame game you forfeit all your power to change the only person you can change, the man in the mirror, as Michael Jackson put it. Mahatma Ghandi advised, Be the change you want to see in the world. That person, dear reader, is you, only you.

Keith Baldrey reckons Things may get ugly before its all over. I wonder if he has any comprehension of how brutal ugly can get. Try strolling through Johannesburg at night, or thousands of places like it! Everyone is just doing their job.

Personally, my only remaining hope is that Im wrong about most of what I think I understand about homo sapiens (wise, wise man). Charles Darwin had it figured out a long time ago (On the Origin of Species), except for the hubris which deludes us into believing we have a god-given exemption. 7,000,000,000!

Well, a man has to believe in something! I believe Ill buy another bottle of Irish Whiskey. When the good folks at LDB are lining up at the Richmond Food Bank, Ill just have to get back into the bootlegging business. Hell, then I can claim to just be doing my job, too, and following the smart money!

Ramblin Ryan Lake, Richmond