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Quest for lost goat continues

Richmond - Open letter to Richmond, Re: "Grazing stock sheep-knapped," News, Sept. 13.My partner lives next to the farm where Sandy Chappell permanently kept his sheep.
Richmond - Open letter to Richmond, Re: "Grazing stock sheep-knapped," News, Sept. 13.My partner lives next to the farm where Sandy Chappell permanently kept his sheep. Up until a few weeks ago, in addition to the shy sheep, there was a dog-like goat that would stand at the barbed wire fence and call to us and our young girls.He had a distinctive cry, so my daughter nicknamed him, "Loudy," and he became a pet by proxy. For months, we would visit him. Then the sheep went missing, and suddenly Loudy was gone, too.I visited the land owner and he told me someone had given him the goat, but after he was placed in the field, the neighbours had complained he was "too loud."Chappell sold him to another farm. When I spoke to him, he told me that a man had knocked on his door and offered to buy Loudy and six sheep.He never gave Chappell a number, and even though Chappell acknowledged Loudy was like a dog, he was pretty sure he was destined for slaughter.He had hoped to find a good home for him, but was under pressure from the SPCA to sell his animals. Chappell was often in the field with the sheep and treated them very well. He didn't deserve the backlash he's received.I know this is an impossible task, but I need help in locating Loudy. If Loudy is still alive, I obviously want to prevent him from being slaughtered.We would like to adopt Loudy and would pay triple whatever this man paid. This has been devastating to our family, and the girls are bereft.If anyone knows where Loudy is, please email me at [email protected] WalkerRichmond