The Editor,
Every now and then we are forced to face the fact that, either through being woefully uninformed about a political candidate, by allowing vested interests to highjack the process, or by not voting at all, we have allowed someone to secure a political office who is both unqualified for, and unworthy of, the position to which they have been elected.
If MP Alice Wong proposes that the eating of shark fin soup is justified simply on the basis of it being a tradition and privilege, then we should stop for a moment to ask to what extent someone who is guided by such values could possibly empathize with the senior citizens of this country, many of whom can barely make ends meet, can rarely afford to eat at restaurants, and are always among the first victims of cutbacks implemented by both provincial and federal governments.
At the very least Harper should do the justifiable thing and remove Wong from her cabinet position. And come the next election, those of us who try to determine which candidate to vote for on the basis of their principles, character and integrity should do everything we can to rectify our mistake and remove this woman from the Canadian government. Us senior citizens will probably end up much better off if this is accomplished.
How about a bowl of vegetable or bean soup at one of the seniors' homes in Richmond, Alice? Or is that not expensive enough fare for you.
Ray Arnold, Richmond