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Red Nose wraps for another season

The Editor, We are very proud to have wrapped up our 11th Annual Operation Red Nose Campaign for the communities of Delta and Richmond.

The Editor,

We are very proud to have wrapped up our 11th Annual Operation Red Nose Campaign for the communities of Delta and Richmond.

The word "operation" is key as it takes a real army of volunteers and organizers to deliver this safe driving service to our communities.

This year thanks to the help of more than 400 volunteers, we were able to deliver almost 650 rides over a period of nine nights.

More than 21,000 kilometers were driven and almost $20,000 were given in tips.

It is hard to quantify the impact of this huge operation as it relates to the well-being and safety of our residents, families and employees. However, through the direct appreciation of those who received the service, we can definitely qualify it as a huge success.

The relief and gratitude from clients after each ride is completed is worth the long nights and the efforts to coordinate this campaign.

We are thankful to all those who responded to the call to help out - parents from Delta Gymnastics Club, caring community members from all over Delta and Richmond, younger and older people, first-time and repeat volunteers, coworkers and family teams, community service clubs, corporate and small business employees.

The mix of people is very diverse, but they all have in common the desire to give back to their community and to keep the roads safe.

Many also have personal reasons for their involvement, they have experienced the heartbreak of losing a loved one through a drinking and driving accident or they consider it a small sacrifice on their part that can help prevent accidents and emotional devastation from happening.

We are very grateful to ICBC - provincial sponsor - the many businesses who provide us with financial support, the local media for allowing us the space to raise the necessary awareness and to Delta police and Richmond RCMP for their unwavering and prompt support.

It is not too early to consider this as an option for you to get involved for our 2013 campaign - if you have been thinking to join our crew of volunteers, please email us at info@deltagymnastics. com and we will add you to our list to contact later this year.

As many of our volunteers tell us after a night on the road - it is a lot more fun than you expect!

Carlene Lewall Chair of Operation

Red Nose Delta-Richmond