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Richmond deserves better answers

This past week, the issue of the Liberal government's "ethnic-gate" scandal arose once again during Question Period in the B.C. Legislature.

This past week, the issue of the Liberal government's "ethnic-gate" scandal arose once again during Question Period in the B.C. Legislature.

The BC Liberals offered money to a government employee to keep quiet about information that would damage the party and the Premier.

This scandal has a significant tiein to Richmond. Former Minister of Multiculturalism and Richmond-Steveston MLA John Yap was in charge of the department in question and was forced to resign. And the current Minister of Multiculturalism, Richmond Centre MLA Teresa Wat, gave stonewall answers when asked questions about the hush money issue on day one of Question Period. She went back home, read the Liberal scripts and came back for day two of Question Period with answers full of rhetoric.

My question: Why are our elected MLAs more concerned with re-election than with serving the constituents of their riding? Why are taxpayer resources being used for political expedience? And to think, we just elected and reelected these scandal-ridden bureaucrats to office to represent our great city.

Ramesh Ranjan
