Vancouver - The Editor, With the holidays fast approaching, this means one thing, the biggest retail expenditure of the year is also coming.People will start to get really excited, and then get really stressed.
Vancouver - The Editor, With the holidays fast approaching, this means one thing, the biggest retail expenditure of the year is also coming.People will start to get really excited, and then get really stressed. But, what if, this year, we don't let the holidays stress us out? What if we get back to what really matters this year, and spend our time with those we love, instead of spending our money on material items that may be thrown to the back of a closet by Boxing Day? This year, I propose that we cut the chains on the expectations that the holidays are all about buy, buy, buy and we get back to the tradition of experiencing great moments with loved ones.Friends of the Earth is challenging us to "Cut the Chains" which means we leave behind the chain stores, the expectations that we need to buy something for everyone and get creative! Leave the plastic behind, and make each other gifts. I recommend "experience" gift cards, promising your time and services. For those who aren't very art-oriented, how about checking out a craft market and buying local? The most important thing, I believe, is to cut the expectation that the holidays are about the quantity of money you spend, not the quality of time you spend with those who matter.I invite you and your readers to sign the "Cut the Chains" challenge on Friend's of the Earth's website ( and post your photos about how you cut the chains this year on their Facebook ( Holidays!Micaela Buchnea-ChewVancouver