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Tax increases due to extravagance

The Editor, After watching the performance of Richmond city council on the Community Channel, the word that came to mind was "profligate." This adjective is defined as "recklessly extravagant or wasteful of resources.

The Editor,

After watching the performance of Richmond city council on the Community Channel, the word that came to mind was "profligate." This adjective is defined as "recklessly extravagant or wasteful of resources."

What better definition of our council could one ask for? With one or two notable exceptions, this group couldn't act fast enough to spend the surplus of $4.5 million. But, why should we be surprised?

This is the bunch that have expanded the staff to the point that we now have nine employees being paid over $200,000.

To add insult to injury, the council presumed they were all "fully occupied", so they approved a further $265,000 for four consultants.

Now I understand why my taxes increased by $550 this year for a 50-year-old single family dwelling. Of course, there was the usual airy reasoning that attempted to explain the city wasn't really to blame for the increase, but it was the fault of the assessment authorities. The city only achieved the surplus because of a 2 per cent error in setting the mill rate.

Well, looking at the mass of employees, the frivolous expenditures for "Sister City" trips, festivals and other such garbage, this bunch will soon have us taxed out of our homes.

I certainly hope the voters that re-elected this bunch are happy with their choice.

The website listing the salaries is at www. It makes interesting reading.

Terrence Murphy Richmond