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Thank you for the tire help

On Wednesday, after work, I drove to the garden shop on No. 6 Road to buy some winter pansies.

On Wednesday, after work, I drove to the garden shop on No. 6 Road to buy some winter pansies.

I parked in their lot, went into a greenhouse to look at the flowers, and when I came out to back my car closer to the greenhouse, I saw that my back right tire was nearly flat.

I froze. Where was the nearest gas station? How would I get there? I stopped one of the workers and pointed to my tire, and he said "Wait, we have air!"

Meanwhile, I cleared the clutter on top of my spare tire and found the jack and the wrench. Two workers appeared with a huge air compressor, but by this time the tire was completely flat.

Before I knew it, the two men had my car jacked up and the spare tire on (the first time in eight years I'd used it).

One of the workers directed me to Bridgeport Road, where there was a Cal Tire. I was unbelievably grateful, but the story gets better!

Dan Titina, at Cal Tire, had my tire off, repaired and back on again in 20 minutes. Meanwhile, I got coffee, popcorn and an interesting conversation.

Thank you to all of you Good Samaritans! I lost less than an hour of time, but I gained a world of respect for my good neighbours in Richmond.

Gudrun Heckerott Richmond