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Time to give Wong the heave

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Ethnics trumps ethics," Letters, March 5.While I agree with every comment in Ray Arnold's letter with regards to Alice Wong, I feel he was much too kind to her.
Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Ethnics trumps ethics," Letters, March 5.While I agree with every comment in Ray Arnold's letter with regards to Alice Wong, I feel he was much too kind to her.Whenever a candidate from an ethnic community runs in an election, they all make a statement similar to this, "If elected I will represent all my constituents and not just those from my own community."Some successful candidates try and succeed, some try and fail, while others, like Wong, have no intention of following up on their promise.With Wong's pathetic participation in that piece of theatre that had her eating shark fin soup in front of Chinese-only media, she cynically showed her true colours and after thumbing her nose at the non-Chinese community, fled back to her office in Ottawa.Wong never misses an opportunity for a photo-op here in the Lower Mainland, but quickly disappears when there are hard questions to be answered.If I was a member of the LGBT community or a woman, the last person I would go to would be Wong, as she is so indoctrinated into the self-righteous, narrow minded ideology of her fundamentalist Christian church, she would be no help whatsoever.Our only hope of getting rid of her in the next federal election is if a truthful candidate, who genuinely wants to represent all of Richmond, runs against her.Alan HallidayRichmond