The Editor,
Re: "Pipeline best option: VAFFC," Letters, Feb. 1. VAFFC's spin master deliberately ignores that huge oil tankers on the Fraser would supply jet fuel for the proposed VAFFC storage facility and pipeline necessary to pump it to YVR.
He claims both proposals on the South Arm of the Fraser are "the best solution.have a smaller environmental footprint (as compared to what?)...and that public safety and environmental protection are fundamental priorities."
However, to paraphrase, he is up the river without a paddle if he thinks the public has forgotten Miami International Airport's fuel facility explosion and fire in March 2011 that melted the fire-fighting infrastructure and wasn't beside an environmentally-sensitive estuary of a world heritage river.
And, how does this spin master factor in "public safety" of a large condo complex, a sports arena and multiple theatres within meters of the facility having the explosive capability of three Hiroshima bombs? Finally, can VAFFC explain why the EAO conditions laid down for the ministers did not include conditions for the new fire-fighting facility Richmond is expected to build at its expense for the profits of major airlines?
Judy Williams, co-chair Fraser River Coalition, Member, Board of Directors of VAPOR Richmond