The Editor,
Open letter to George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project,
Everyone complains about traffic congestion and expects the government to rectify the situation without any personal lifestyle changes or sacrifices. Refusal of people to consider changing their lifestyle is what causes congestion.
Thousands of new people move into an area and each of these people brings a car with them because they know the government will cater to them with new and improved roads, bridges and tunnels.
This in turn encourages more cars to take advantage of the improved facilities and congestion is soon worse than it was before. The insanity will only stop if a moratorium is placed on all new roads, bridges and tunnels. People will eventually learn that their automobile addiction is not sustainable and they will look at other options.
These other options will never be explored as long as driving a car remains the most convenient way to travel. I challenge all of you simpering government wimps to stop your insanity.
Wasyl (Bill) Brytan Richmond