Richmond - The Editor, We all know the fix is in, Harper and his trained seals have sold out to the oil companies, and British Columbia - be damned! The insulting "assessment" by the National Energy Board is an illustration of the old proverb, "who p
Richmond - The Editor, We all know the fix is in, Harper and his trained seals have sold out to the oil companies, and British Columbia - be damned! The insulting "assessment" by the National Energy Board is an illustration of the old proverb, "who pays the piper, calls the tune."Just consider one of the 200-odd conditions: "There must be a $950 million Insurance fundfor a cleanup of any accidents." For accident, read "spill clean up."This is a travesty, there should be no limitation of the funds for a clean-up.The entire corporate value of Enbridge must be fully available for any spill clean-up. And if it should throw this outfit into bankruptcy, so be it! There is no way the Canadian government or the citizens of Canada should shoulder any of the burden of this misbegotten project.Just watch Harper and Co. wriggle, twist and attempt to force this monstrosity down our throats.Well, you voted for this bunch, and now you see exactly what you have. Thank heavens that our aboriginal people have the intestinal fortitude to take on this whole farce.Terrence MurphyRichmond