I strive to create and ensure prosperity and safety for Richmond people.
1. Improve job opportunities and training;
2. Provide affordable homes;
3. Ensure people’s rights to clean food and drink;
4. Stop waste of resources;
5. Expand city’s multi-task functions of gateway to the world; and
6. Improve city services.
1. Improve aerodrome safety;
2. Modernize personal safety;
3. Harmonize multi-culture city;
4. Improve traffic safety;
5. Upgrade fire safety; and
6. Modernize hospital.
My personal attributes:
1. Living in Richmond for 19 years;
2. Single parent of two, equipped with top notch customer services skills from 30-year experience with airlines, pharmaceutical and broadcasting companies;
3. Fervent volunteer for divorce care facilitator and classroom assistant;
4. Interpreter for senior events at South Arm Community Centre;
5. Translator for Broadmoor Baptist Church with fluency 5 languages;
6. ESL teacher for South Arm Community Centre and Broadmoor Baptist Church; and
7. Strata council member.