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Meet Wendy Yuan: BC United candidate for Richmond Centre

A passion for immigrant equality is buoyed by her own story and opportunities
Wendy Yuan at the Richmond Coldest Night of the Year walk to raise money for charity. Photo via BC United Candidate Wendy Yuan

A lot of Canadians feel immense pride on Canada Day. Some—more deeply than others—for their own personal reasons. Others feel it every day.

It's a big part of Wendy Yuan's narrative, who immigrated to Canada as an international student 40 years ago, with nothing more than two suitcases, a mere $50 and a dream.

"As a Canadian, I stand proudly with my fellow citizens and British Columbians, 'united' in our pursuit of a brighter future," says Yuan. "Together, we overcome obstacles, celebrate our successes and continue to build a nation and a B.C. where everyone can grow and flourish."

In pursuit of higher education, Yuan received a full scholarship from Canadian International Development Agency, earned her TESL diploma from Concordia University in Montreal and completed her Master of Arts Degree from Bradley University in the U.S., all while supporting herself as a teaching assistant. 

"I was raised with parents who were intellectuals," reveals Yuan. "My parents were both sent to the countryside to be 're-educated' during the Cultural Revolution in China in the '60s."

"Qualities such as hard work and perseverance have been my work ethic since I was young. In addition to that, receiving higher education in Canada and the U.S., plus my experience as a businessperson for 30 years, has also allowed me to develop a deep pragmatism, something I believe is essential in government."

"As a BC United candidate and MLA, I will work to help introduce policies that will bring real value to Richmond's citizens."

Yuan received the Canadian Immigrants People’s Choice Award at the inaugural Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2009 awards ceremony. Photo via BC United Candidate Wendy Yuan

Defining political moment, supporting immigrants

Yuan discovered her political calling in 2003, while helping former prime minister Paul Martin with his campaign, an opportunity to sign up party members.

"Many were immigrants who came to Canada with strong professional technical credentials from their home countries," explains Yuan, "but most could not find their first job after they landed because they had no Canadian experience."

"I felt sad as these immigrants could not integrate or be part of society's workforce where everyone should have an equal opportunity to thrive. This was the defining moment when I realized lack of foreign credential recognition was the cause of this unjust situation."

"I knew some policy change was needed and I felt a strong urge to contribute to that change."

Yuan's commitment to an inclusive and equitable society is evidenced through her diverse community leadership roles, and in particular, contributions to immigrant settlement and involvement with Vancouver Multicultural Society.

Richmond resident for 30 years, community optimism

Yuan and her team at Richmond’s first pride walk in 2023. Photo via BC United Wendy Yuan

When Yuan moved from Montreal with her husband and son in 1994, they chose Richmond for its multicultural strengths and abundance of outdoor spaces, which offer year-round family-friendly activities. Its mix of housing options and solid selection of quality schools were also a draw.

"Richmond is a good learning environment for kids if they want to develop multi-language skills,” says Yuan.  

The people in the community—her Richmond Centre constituents—have proven to be Yuan's greatest motivation for her foray into the political arena.

"This community has enabled my career in business, welcomed my family as one of its own, and given me dearest and oldest of friends," reveals Yuan.

"This is a multi-ethnic community of hardworking people who have been and are doing everything they can to ensure that the future will be better for their children. My greatest motivation in politics is to bring back the optimism that the community of Richmond felt when it welcomed my family and countless others like mine, with open arms."

"I will do it with my BC United colleagues to help create the policies and conditions that will enable a successful future for Richmond."

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