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Good morning, Richmond! It's Wednesday

Latest news and weather in Richmond and a photo feature of the day.
A black cat with fluorescent eyes was seen on Saturday at London Landing.

Good morning, Richmond! It's Wednesday, March 26, 2025.

In case you missed it, the Steveston Farmers Market will be moving this season - but just a few blocks west.

Meanwhile, a Richmond woman was found guilty of over-harvesting clams and oysters.

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Today's weather... 

The weather is forecast to be unsettled today with some rain possible, but it's definitely getting warmer.

The mercury is expected to hit a high of 16C and a low of 9C in Richmond City Centre, according to Weatherhood.

Click here to check out forecasts for other areas of Richmond for the rest of the week.

Photo of the day...

Today's feature photo comes from Anabelle Wee who saw a black cat with fluorescent eyes at London Landing this Saturday.

To submit a photo, email us at [email protected] with the subject line "GMR." Remember to tell us where and when you took the photo.

Fun fact about Richmond...

Do you know where Richmond's first drive-in restaurant was located? 


The 1950s are known for drive-in restaurant culture, the place to hang out on a Friday or Saturday night.

But the first drive-in restaurant opened in Richmond already in the 1930s. The Seabright, run by the Doherty family, was located on Sea Island, according to the Friends of the Richmond Archives.

Its location was a great place to watch airplanes coming and going from the new Vancouver Airport.

The Doherty family owned the Seabright Dairy, so it was natural they served homemade ice cream and milkshakes at their drive-in. They also served soft drinks, tea, coffee and sandwiches.

Photo courtesy of the City of Richmond Archives photograph 2000 3.

Do you have a fun fact about Richmond? Email us at [email protected] and put "Richmond Fun Fact" in the subject line.

📣 Got an opinion on this story or any others in Richmond? Send us a letter or email your thoughts or story tips to [email protected].

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