A concerned Richmond resident is collecting signatures to see lights installed at a crosswalk near Westwind Elementary School.
Since Feb. 2, Judie Schneider has been collecting signatures online through Change.org. She says the crosswalk on Kingfisher Drive near Flamingo Court has high volume traffic, speeding cars and low visibility as it’s right after a bend in the road.
“Children and families use this crosswalk every day to get to and from the school,” Schneider said on the petition’s site. “Drivers come speeding around the corner and have almost hit pedestrians on the crosswalk.
“Recently, a family was crossing at the crosswalk and the first car stopped to let them cross, but the car behind that one went around the stopped car, into the opposite lane and almost hit the pedestrians.”
Schneider is calling for lights, wide speed bumps and an extension of the school zone to include the area of Kingfisher Drive with more school zone signs and lower speed limits.
Some supporters of the petition echoed Schneider’s concerns.
“I’m a school bus driver, and drive through there every morning,” said Kevin Pember on the website, under his reasons for signing. “Lights are definitely needed at this blind curve.”
To date, the petition has 146 signatures. Schneider hopes to gather 200.