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Letters: Concrete is suffocating trees in Richmond city centre

If the environment isn't healthy for trees, how can it be healthy for us, asks Richmond News reader.
A Richmond News reader hopes the city takes care of its trees.

Dear Editor,

While walking along Minoru Boulevard, I was sad to see some trees were slated for removal because they were in “severe decline.”

The trees had been planted years ago, then the soil around them was covered with concrete.

In our hot summer, those concrete blocks are heat blankets, day and night.

The heat stresses the trees out, leaving them susceptible to pests.

In Vancouver, I noticed their trees on the pavement seemed to be happier when they were not covered by concrete.

The sidewalks are wide enough in Richmond to accommodate having the tree part “natural” while the concrete pavement can accommodate scooters and pedestrians.

I hope the city will do something to help the trees.

The city seems to be trying—irrigator bags around trees (though I checked and some are not full of water, which defeats the purpose).

They have also replaced trees that died on Saba Road with younger trees.

I hope they take good care of the new trees on the block so they also don’t “decline.”

If the downtown Richmond environment isn’t healthy for trees, how can it be healthy for us?

Lexy Clayburn


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