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Letters: Grateful for the Good Samaritan at Richmond Walmart

A Richmond News reader is searching for a kind community member who returned his lost wallet.
A Richmond News reader lost his wallet at Richmond's Walmart.

Dear Editor,

I hope you are having a great February! Let me express the happiness that fills my heart, courtesy of a man who took the time to return my lost wallet. I am deeply grateful that there are good-hearted Samaritans in Richmond.

On the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 6, after finishing my shift, I grabbed a few groceries at Walmart. I paid the bill at 7:16 p.m. and I headed home, which is miles away from the grocery store. At 8:50 p.m., someone knocked heavily on the door of the house. My landlord got frightened and asked me not to open the door.

I went downstairs and began asking questions to clarify the purpose behind the knocking. I heard a man's voice, initially thinking it might be an Uber or Doordash delivery as his voice was faint. His answers remained unclear, and then I heard the word "wallet" in between his responses. It occurred to me that it could be either my landlord's or another tenant's wallet, as both had just come in from their work. With my curiosity, I asked for the name of the wallet's owner to get a clue.

Peering through an extremely blurry wall, I could tell he opened his mobile's flashlight and read aloud a name — I heard my name! I felt a little embarrassed and caught off guard when I opened the door. He hastily handed me my wallet and briskly left. I could hear him murmuring as he moved away from the house that I (we) didn't open the door for him when he knocked, considering he had come all the way from Walmart. As he left briskly, I didn't get a chance to talk and say "thank you." 

To the man who returned my wallet, we apologize for our rude behaviour. We kindly request your understanding that, for safety reasons, we cannot open our door at night without knowing first the purpose behind the knocking. Also, I honestly had no clue that my wallet had fallen in Walmart. 

Through this letter, I want to express my sincerest gratitude for his kindness. He can send me an email at [email protected] and leave his phone number. I hope to meet him again and thank him in person. 

Jonathan Realino


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