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Letters: Reader wants Richmond supportive housing away from residential areas

A letter writer claims there will be 'negative consequences' from a BC Housing supportive building.
An artist's rendering of what a permanent supportive building might look like.

Dear Editor, 

Re: "Richmond group rallying to oppose 90-unit supportive housing"

This housing project should be stopped. Those homeless people will create fears and safety concerns for residents (which are mainly elders and don't communicate in English well) in this area.

The peaceful living style will be disturbed because crime rates will definitely arise with these homeless people.

Personal and property damages will increase for sure.

Supportive home projects should be located away from main residential areas and the city needs to protect and provide safety for majority residents.

I strongly oppose this project. 

Let's voice our opposition and let the city know the negative consequences these sites will cause on the surrounding neighbourhood.

Don Lee


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