The Editor,
Re: "No.5 Road, forum for understanding cultures," Letters, Dec. 12.
What we have on No. 5 Road is an archipelago of religious fortresses all imbued with the self righteous notion that their religion is the only true religion and all the others are counterfeit.
Claiming that faith-based schools provide enrichment to our community in way public schools cannot is totally ignoring what an unbiased, public education does, in fact, offer.
We never hear of teachers, principals or the Richmond Board of Education taking credit for making our public schools amazing places of tolerance, integration and a welcoming place for every child, yet that is what they do - every day - unheralded.
It is true that public schools do not offer an in-depth study of different cultures and religions, but they do offer a much more important in-depth study of Canadian culture.
Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms is second to none on the world stage as it guarantees equality for all, especially women and their right to control their own bodies, gay's and lesbian's right to be free from persecution and the right to marry who they love.
Equally important is our freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom from religion. How many other cultures on the "Highway to Heaven" can compare?
Canadians are famous for their tolerance, inclusivity, compassion and politeness, which makes our country one of the first countries that immigrants want to come to. It was the same 45 years ago when I came to Canada and it is still the same today.
We are not perfect and have made mistakes over the years. But we have apologized and tried to make amends, but where would we rather live? No where else but Canada.
Alan Halliday