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Questions for bridge project

Delta - The Editor, Questions that need to be answered before they require the George Massey Tunnel to be removed, then the Fraser River to be dredged to accommodate the largest sea-going ships to dock at the Fraser Surrey Docks, or any other Fraser
Delta - The Editor, Questions that need to be answered before they require the George Massey Tunnel to be removed, then the Fraser River to be dredged to accommodate the largest sea-going ships to dock at the Fraser Surrey Docks, or any other Fraser River destination, are as follows:1. Why is there not a full cost benefit analysis required, along with a full environmental impact assessment on the effects this would have on the Fraser River estuary and its ability to remain a wetland of international significance for wildfowl and fish, as designated at the Ramsar Convention?2. What is the projected costs of removing the George Massey Tunnel and who would be paying for it?3. What would be the cost of deepening the Fraser River to the depth required for the deepest sea-going ships projected to dock on the Fraser River above the George Massey Tunnel?4. What are the annual dredging costs presently required to accommodate ships above the George Massey Tunnel?5. What did it cost to install the training walls that were part of the Trifurcation Project to direct as much of the flow of the Fraser River down the shipping lanes to reduce the amount of dredging required?6.What will be the additional costs to maintain the deeper channel as proposed and who will pay it?7. Will dredging still be subject to the Department of Fishery Dredging Guidelines, which prohibits dredging during salmon migration?8. What effects will this have on the wetlands so important to the Pacific flyway and the ecosystem so important to the migration of salmon?9. What effects will this have on the flow of water and silting of the other branches of the Fraser River?10. What effects will the deepening have on the stability of the dykes protecting both Richmond and Delta and who will pay for any additional work required to reinforce them?11. How much more will it cost to elevate the proposed bridge to accommodate the larger ships proposed? And who will pay for this?12. Whatever the costs, why are we using taxpayers money to accommodate a private company like the Fraser Surrey Docks?13. Why are we proposing to deepen the Fraser River when Port Metro Vancouver is spending $2 billion of taxpayers money to build the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Container Project?14. Is the only reason for deepening the Fraser River to accommodate coal and oil bearing ships to the Fraser Surrey Docks? Answers to the above questions must be given with justification and proof that deepening the Fraser River is both economical and environmentally sound. Build a new bridge, but build it to accommodate people and rapid transit, not the Fraser Surrey Docks.Douglas George MasseyDelta