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Richmond steadfastly opposed to jet fuel delivery plan

The Editor, City Council has steadfastly opposed the Vancouver Airport Fuel Delivery Project proposal from the outset because of the many potential economic, social and environmental risks to the City of Richmond as well as surrounding areas.

The Editor,

City Council has steadfastly opposed the Vancouver Airport Fuel Delivery Project proposal from the outset because of the many potential economic, social and environmental risks to the City of Richmond as well as surrounding areas.

The Vancouver Airport Fuel Delivery Project proposes fully-loaded tankers up to 950 feet in length regularly sailing up the South Arm of the Fraser River to southeast Richmond.

The shipped jet fuel would be piped to a storage tank one kilometre away; then it would travel 15 kilometres to the airport through a pipeline running diagonally across Richmond.

Currently, jet fuel is supplied through an existing pipeline that runs from north Burnaby to Richmond. This source is supplemented by tanker trucks coming from the Cherry Point refinery in northwest Washington.

The proponent's own analysis acknowledges there is additional, unused delivery capacity in the existing jet fuel line. Based on the number of passengers taking flights since the proposal was first announced, the quantity of jet fuel consumed at the airport has likely fallen well short of the projections on which the project is justified.

The applicants' flight and passenger projections demonstrate that when combined with additional, available storage, the projected jet fuel needs of the airlines could be met for decades to come.

Twinning the existing pipeline would add further capacity at a fraction of the cost of the current proposal.

Simply stated, this new jet fuel pipeline with its river delivery by huge tankers is not needed now nor in the foreseeable future.

The proposal calls for jet fuel to be unloaded perilously close to residences, businesses, recreation facilities, industries, agricultural operations and within reach from Steveston, the largest commercial fishing port in Western Canada.

Each could be detrimentally affected in the event of a disaster. Further, the city of Richmond is positioned on the Pacific Flyway, a major migration corridor.

As well, the shoreline habitat of the Fraser River delta supports large resident populations of waterfowl and other birds.

Jet fuel will be off-loaded close to designated Environmentally Sensitive Areas on both sides of the river.

Despite our repeated requests, there has been no satisfactory plan developed to address potential environmental impacts should there be a major spill in these sensitive areas.

The proposal also entails potential threats to public safety. The tank, storing up to 80 million litres of jet fuel, represents a fire risk at a location far removed from any of the city's existing fire halls. To provide basic protection, a new fire hall and a water-based fire-fighting vessel all with specialized equipment and personnel would be required.

The city has long advocated that the province decline to grant the Environmental Assessment Certificate.

Malcolm Brodie Mayor of the City of Richmond