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Richmond property owner gets one-month reprieve on cleanup

Property owner's son claims complaints are 'nitpicking.'
City council set July 22 as the date to continue looking at an "unslightly" Richmond property.

A property that has been the subject of cleanup orders and bylaw tickets for its “unsightly” condition has been given a month’s reprieve.

A special city council meeting was held Monday to deal with the property on Severn Drive after the son of the property owner, Edward Wong, appealed the cleanup order.

Wong claimed he’s been working on cleaning up the property - with the front yard cleared - but he said he's been hindered by illness, a “cold snap” and other issues.

Complaints have been made about the property over the past 15 years, and Wong has been issued seven tickets, totalling $3,750, which remain unpaid, Mark Corrado, director of bylaws and licencing, told city council.

Corrado said the items were previously “strewn” around the back yard, but they have now been put in piles and under tarps.

Items included plastic chairs, water jugs, recycling bins and wooden pallets.

Wong said he’s done what was specified in the order from the city’s bylaw department, adding no one in their “right mind” would complain given the work that’s been done.

He noted the front yard has been fully cleaned up. The items under tarps are currently in the backyard of the property, according to photos taken by the city.

“If somebody has to come in and take a look, not only are they trespassing, they’re really nitpicking, becoming really intolerant, unforgiving and hateful,” Wong said.

Coun. Bill McNulty asked staff to clarify what exactly needs to be removed.

“It appears, from what I’ve just heard, it’s gotta be cleaner than though and there’s no room for error,” he said.

He added his own backyard isn’t necessarily that clean.

The cleanup order will come back to city council on July 22 at another special city council meeting.

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