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Letters: 7-year-old Richmond News reader asks city to fix playground

Terra Nova equipment needs some fixing, says Richmond playground user.
PlaygroundTerra Nova
Terra Nova playground

Dear Editor,

My name is Merisden Pereira. I am seven years old and live in Richmond.

I go to Terra Nova Park almost every day, and I noticed many of the fun play equipment is not being maintained and repaired.

For example, there are two monkey bars missing. There is also one regular swing missing, and one spinning swing missing.

These have been missing for the whole summer and affect my playing.

I know adults don't use this equipment at Terra Nova very much, so maybe the city didn't notice, but I would like to ask the City of Richmond to repair the equipment as soon as possible.

It would mean a lot to me and my friends.

Thank you.

Merisden Pereira, 7 years old


(written and submitted with permission from his Daddy, Chris Pereira)

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