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Letters: Richmond councillor 'sets the record straight' on council work

Coun. Carol Day outlines her attendance and liaison work as an elected official.
Coun. Carol Day defends the work she does as a city councillor, for which she's paid about $97,000 a year.

Dear Editor,

Re: "Richmond council okays consolidated reporting on salaries but pushes back on attendance records"

I think it is time to set the record straight after Mayor Malcolm Brodie's comments that "If we are talking about transparency, openness, accountability, we have to talk about what members at this table are doing for their roughly $100,000 that they are making," made at the Jan. 20 general purposes committee in the City of Richmond.

Richmond city council has nine members and the eight councillors do a lot of the work in the standing committees. The items are then sent to the council as a whole.

The mayor decides who will be a member of the standing committee, but I attend the all the committee meetings whether I am assigned to them or not.

For me, being a city councillor is an honour and I serve to the best of my ability, taking on extra assignments and attend all the committee meetings as my schedule and other duties allow.

There are additional standing committee meetings with five councillors assigned to each. The mayor does not normally attend these meetings.

Community Safety Committee: I attend 95 per cent of these meetings

Planning Committee: I am a voting member  

Parks and Recreation: I attend 85 per cent of these meetings

Public Works and Transportation: I am chair and voting member

External organizations and advisory committees: The Mayor does not attend these meetings.

Here are my assignments for November 2024 to November 2025: Steveston Harbour Authority, Childcare Advisory Committee, First Nations Building Committee, Richmond Art Gallery Association, Richmond Fitness and Wellness Association, West Richmond Community Association, Seniors Advisory Committee and Youth Advisory Committee.

In addition, each councillor is acting mayor for a period of time. I am assigned Feb. 16 to March 31, 2025.

Here is the link to the voting and attendance record for city council, general purposes, public hearings, special council meetings and finance committee meetings only.

I work hard personally answering close to 90 per cent of all emails and letters that come to mayor and council.

I attend many community functions as my schedule allows. It is also a pleasure to work with community groups, advocacy groups, developers and many many more groups attending meetings that are planned as needed.

A good example of additional work is myself along with some other councillors and MLA Henry Yao formed a Homelessness Task Force to work with all levels of government and community service groups to create more beds and services for homeless people in Richmond.

All of this work is included in my pay which is $97,072. The only extra pay I get is when I attend a Metro Vancouver meeting, normally twice a year. The pay for that four-hour meeting is $501.77 and, to be honest, I feel that is too much but I don't know how one would reduce that stipend.

Transparency and accountability are paramount to me and I welcome any questions.

Thanks for your time and attention to this important issue.

Richmond City Coun. Carol Day


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