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Letters: Steveston laneway parking decision a 'train wreck'

Richmond News reader suggests Steveston Harbour parking lot be utilized.
Sixteen parking spots have been identified in Steveston laneways.

Dear Editor,

Re: "Letters: Steveston laneway parking fee is a 'tax grab'"

I am so totally onside with Frank Nakashima in opposition to the fees for Steveston laneway parking for employees. 

He also fails to mention that there is no guarantee you will get spot. 

Parking is a premium there. So, city council wants you to pay $57 for hope? What a train wreck.

Council has to show some coherent thinking when proposing bylaws like this. It seriously affects the Steveston business community. 

They have to come up with a parking solution -- for employees and customers. 

Why not figure out an affordable plan with the huge Steveston Harbour Authority lot -- it is never used. Steveston could prosper.

Dave Harkness


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