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Richmond RCMP find 'concealed evidence' after traffic stop

'Sophisticated techniques' used to conceal illicit items: Police
Richmond RCMP arrested a suspect after a traffic stop when they claim they found "concealed evidence" in a vehicle.

A traffic stop in Richmond resulted in the discovery of a hidden compartment in a car's dash and seizure of “concealed evidence.”

The Richmond RCMP’s Gang Enforcement Team stopped a car near Blundell and No. 3 roads on March 23 and arrested the driver for possession for the purpose of trafficking.

However, in searching the car, police allege they found a concealed compartment.

The vehicle was seized and police got a warrant to search the car, resulting in the discovery of “concealed evidence,” RCMP explained in a media release.

The investigation is ongoing with charges pending.

“These investigations are complex and involve extensive coordination with CFSEU-BC (Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit) and other law enforcement teams across the Lower Mainland,” said Insp. Mark Baxter, officer in charge of Richmond RCMP Proactive Enforcement and Administrative Services. 

“Individuals involved in the drug and weapons trade often use sophisticated techniques to conceal illicit items, making our work challenging. This is why we train our officers rigorously and maintain strong regional cooperation.”

The Richmond gang unit collaborates closely with the CFSEU-BC and other gang enforcement teams in the Lower Mainland to address the complex, inter-jurisdictional nature of gang crime.

Residents are encouraged to report any suspicious activities to their local police.

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