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Video: Richmond RCMP arrests man inside local restaurant

Gurjit Singh Sehra is being charged for assaulting officers on top of his outstanding B.C.-wide warrant.
Gurjit Singh Sehra was seen being arrested at a Richmond restaurant on Aug. 4.

A man was arrested and charged for assaulting police officers in a Richmond restaurant on Sunday.

Richmond RCMP officers responded to a tip that Gurjit Singh Sehra, who is wanted on an outstanding B.C.-wide warrant, was at Tasty BBQ restaurant, near Westminster Highway and Minoru Boulevard, on Aug. 4.

Sehra's warrant was for an alleged breach of a release order, according to Cpl. Adriana O'Malley, media spokesperson for the Richmond RCMP.

When police officers arrived at the restaurant, they attempted to arrest Sehra, but he refused.

"During the course of the arrest, the man allegedly assaulted three police officers," said O'Malley, adding that they sustained minor injuries.

"The man was ultimately taken into custody following the successful deployment of a conductive energy weapon."

Tasty BBQ man arrested
byu/A_BIG_POTATO inrichmondbc

A weapon was allegedly also found in Sehra's belongings.

In addition to his outstanding warrants, Sehra is being charged with three counts of assaulting a peace officer, one count of obstruction of a peace officer and one count of possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose.

The case is now before the Courts and no more information is being provided on the incident.

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