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Richmond RCMP, MADD urge people not to drive drunk during holidays

More than 60 people die every year in B.C. due to impaired driving, according to RCMP.

Richmond RCMP reminded the public that impaired driving accidents are 100 per cent preventable.

At the launch of its annual Project Red Ribbon on Thursday morning, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), joined by Richmond RCMP, were urging the public to plan ahead for holiday parties to avoid driving impaired.

Sixty-one people die every year in B.C. in impaired driving accidents, according to RCMP media spokesperson Adriana O’Malley, something she noted could be completely avoided by planning ahead with alternative modes of transportation.

In 1994, Rob Rorison was hit by a drunk driver at the corner of No. 4 Road and Alderbridge Way.

It changed his life taking a “physical, emotional and financial toll” on him as he spent years recovering.

Rorison, who's been volunteering with MADD since 2000, urged the public to take proactive steps to reduce impaired driving. The first step is not to get behind a wheel if impaired, but also to call 911 to report suspected impaired drivers and to make a plan – even writing it down on a piece of paper – before going out partying.

“We want people to make the right choices,” Rorison said.

“We do not want an empty chair at the dinner table during the holidays due to someone's selfish decision to drive impaired," he added. "Lives are shattered forever as a result of these terrible decisions.”

At the press conference, various politicians tried out “impaired glasses,” which they wore while trying to walk along a yellow line to demonstrate how alcohol or drugs can change one's perception of reality.

Tips for getting home safe from holiday parties

Plan ahead: Decide how you’ll get home before you head out.

Use a designated driver: Choose someone who will remain sober to drive every one home safely.

Take public transit: Research routes and schedules ahead of time to ensure a smooth trip home.

Call a taxi or ride-hailing service: Leave your car at home and let a professional take you home.

Stay overnight: If possible, stay at a friend’s place or book accommodations nearby.

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